Question: How long will the fundraising last?
Answer: The first payment will start the timer in 72 hours, then I will manually disable automatic payments. It will not be possible to replenish the wallet.

Question: Why cryptocurrency? Why ETH specifically?
Answer: Since my project is related to cryptocurrency, it is important for me to gather people around this website and my accounts involved in this market and its services. ETH is chosen because I have studied exchanges, many accounts transfer funds in equal parts and leave balances that can be transferred. Moreover, ETH allows for safe, practically anonymous transfers between wallets at an acceptable speed.

Question: Which charity fund are you referring to?
Answer: The “ARDI” Fund. Please do not contact them or disclose information about possible payments; if funds are not raised, they will be disappointed. If you want to help them directly, their official website has banking details. Citizens of Kazakhstan can assist directly through bank transfers within their applications. If the funds are raised, you will see screenshots and confirmations of my transfers on this site directly on the main page, as well as information in the Telegram channel and Instagram.

Question: Which blockchain will the application you are fundraising for operate on?
Answer: Currently, development is in the concept stage, and we are considering TON, but everything may change.

Question: Many applications and services have similar functionality, what sets you apart?
Answer: If existing or future applications and services draw inspiration from our ideas, we will be very pleased. No competition, the main thing is to make the world better. I am not aware of services with separate coins for transfers as rewards. Additionally, we offer convenient methods for collecting and transferring coins, which will be beneficial for charitable or crowdfunding teams.

Question: What will happen if the funds are not raised in the required amount?
Answer: After 72 hours, I will turn off the wallet. If the amount is too small (less than 1 ETH), I think I will simply return the funds to the wallets from which the transactions were made. If the amount is around 5 ETH, following the plan on the main page of the site, I will convert them into fiat, invest in the project, and pay taxes. If the funds are around 10 ETH, then following the plan on the main page of the site, I will invest the funds in the project and make a charitable donation to the “ARDI” fund. In any case, all funds over 10 ETH will be distributed among the participants. The list of wallets should be displayed on the transactions list page or through the EtherScan service.

Question: Does the charity fund know about your plan?
Answer: No, I don’t think it’s necessary to inform them in advance about such matters. If they object to this method of fundraising or consider it inappropriate, I will distribute the funds among the participants and announce it on the main page, Instagram, and Telegram channel.

Question: How often will fundraising events take place?
Answer: We are currently focused on monthly activities, but we will see how the pilot fundraising goes. In any case, if it doesn’t work in July, we will try again in August. Based on our roadmap, we plan to invest funds almost monthly.

Any other questions? Please send me an email wait20eth@proton.me

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